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Grassland Charm at Semeru Indonesia

Grassland Charm at Semeru
t was not just a charming stretch of beach. Grassland is very beautiful and worthy of admiration. Curious? Come out to pasture in the mountains Semeru, East Java. The location of the official named Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is located in the district as well as the 4 Pasuruan, Malang and Probolinggo Lumajang.

Or Mahameru Semeru is the highest mountain in Java is that exactly located at the south end of the cluster pengunung Bromo, Tengger height 3,676 meters above sea level. Semeru during ascent to the summit, hikers are offered natural attractions, including the beautiful meadows.

Grassland Charm at Semeru
There are two beradi pastures in mountain climbing lane Semeru, the grass vases and Oro-oro Ombo. Jambangan pasture at an altitude of 3200 masl with speerti evergreen plants, Mentigi, and edelweiss flower. Because the flat where alias is not wavy, Jambangan a favorite place on the climber to rest while enjoying the cool air. Here, also the ideal place to capture Mount Semeru in the distance. Mahameru seen clearly towering plumes of smoke soared into the sky and lava flow on the whole cliff tops surrounding silver.

Grassland Charm at Semeru
Sedangkan padang rumput di Oro-oro Ombo membentang seluas 100 hektare. Tempat ini berada di lembah yang dikelilingi bukit-bukit gundul dengan tipe ekosistem asli tumbuhan rumput. Lokasinya berada di bagian atas tebing yang mengelilingi Ranu Kumbolo. Uniknya, padang rumput ini mirip sebuah mangkok berisikan hamparan rumput yang berwarna kekuning-kuningan, pada waktu-waktu tertentu di beberapa sudut Oro-oro Ombo terendam air hujan. Nama Oro-oro Ombo dalam bahasa Jawa memiliki arti padang rumput yang luas. Warga setempat dan para pendaki, sepakat bahwa panorama Oro-oro Ombo terindah kedua setelah puncak Semeru. Keindahannya membuatnya menjadi tempat yang cocok untuk orang-orang yang ingin menenangkan pikiran karena banyak masalah. Pohon pinus tumbuh sumbur di kawasan ini membuat pemandangannya tidak berbeda jauh dengan dataran savana di Eropa. Ketika musim hujan, padang rumput ini tampak hijau dan menjadi waktu terindahnya disepanjang musim yang ada di Indonesia. Titik-titik embun senantiasa berada di pucuk dedaunan. Menetes pelan dan memberikan nuansa eksotisme yang teramat sangat. Sayangnya, pendakian ke puncak Semeru lebih baik dilakukan pada musim kemarau yakni bulan Mei, Juni, Juli, Agustus dan September. Mendaki di musim hujan sangat berbahaya karena sering terjadi badai dan tanah longsor.

Grassland Charm at Semeru
There are at least 2 Semeru climbing lane. The first path is commonly used by local climbers. The track is quite steep with over Mount Ayek-Ayek. Your journey will initially ramps, down the hillside dominated by plants and reeds. The line will culminate in Ranu Kumbolo. The second pathway is the most frequently used the Watu Rejeg and takes about 4-5 hours. Fun, this pathway has been developed for the benefit of making it easier to travel, especially for novice climbers. You do not have to worry about fatigue, because in every trip there is a shelter that is usually used for a short rest.

To climb Semeru, you can go to New Town Station Malang. Arriving there, take public transportation AMG, ADL and down in the terminal Arjosari Malang. Subsequently majors white ride public transportation Arjosari - Overlapping. Overlapping of the market followed by a trip up jeep or truck to Ranu Pane for 2 hours at a cost of Rp. 30 thousand per person or hire a vehicle at the rate of Rp. 450 thousand. If departing from Malang, you can stay at the Mutiara Hotel, Hotel Trio and Tugu Malang Hotel. Welcome to the beauty of the meadows and the mountain Semeru!

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